Which Platform Is Right For You?

LinkedIn and Facebook and TikTok, oh my! Do I really need to use all of those social media platforms for my business?

The short answer is, just like so many things in life, it depends. The goal of social media is to ultimately cast a broader net than you can through just your personal efforts. Instead of just seeing the faces that you might see on your daily travels, social media offers you as a business owner or professional the opportunity to broadcast your message to those who would never get to see you otherwise.

As you likely know, there are multiple social media platforms. While Facebook (now Meta) is one of the largest in the world, there is also Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, X (formerly Twitter), and new ones cropping up routinely. Think of each one as you might a television station. They may not be specialty stations within themselves, but each attracts a distinctive sort of audience, and caters their programming to that audience.

For example, MuchMusic (here in Canada) and CBC have different target demographics. There is, of course, overlap - many viewers watch both networks, and enjoy programming on both. But while CBC sometimes tries to be hip and edgy, and MuchMusic has gone through spurts of maturity, you’re unlikely to find identical programming on the two networks. Instead, their program lineup is designed to cater to their respective audience.

What Platforms Are Out There?

So how do you figure out what platform is right for you? It depends on the audience that you’re looking to reach.

Facebook still has the highest global reach, with nearly 3 billion users worldwide, but it has changed significantly in the past two decades. If you’ve seen The Social Network or know much about Mark Zuckerberg, you know that the site was started largely for college and university students as a sort of dating service. In its original incarnation, you could not even join Facebook without an email address from one of their partner schools. 

Today, Facebook looks very different, and skews towards a 25-54 year old demographic. If you were once mortified that your Mom or Grandma was on Facebook (as I was), you’re likely over it because they’ve been on there for years now. Likes, comments, and shares are still what drives engagement, and you’ll often find a mix of written posts, still images, and videos. It’s still a great platform for storytelling, especially to reach a more mature audience.

Instagram (which is owned by Facebook’s parent company, Meta) may not have the same proliferation, but it still has over 1 billion users. While it was once all about posting silly photos with friends, businesses have latched onto the opportunity to share infographics, talking head reels, and other content that engages their audience. It skews slightly younger, more towards the young adult and young professional crowd.

A strong Instagram presence has a clear, consistent aesthetic that quickly becomes recognizable. Instagram plays to short attention spans, as we sit with our devices after hours scrolling quickly through stories or through our feeds. Engaging content still gets viewers, but that consistent aesthetic means that even at a glance, a loyal audience recognizes that your content is yours. 
LinkedIn has long been seen as the sort of ‘grown-up Facebook,’ even though ironically Facebook now skews towards an older audience. While it was once dismissed as simply a resume showcase, LinkedIn has now become a full-fledged professional network. Professionals use LinkedIn to stay connected, refer each other business, read each other’s thought leadership, and support each other’s wins.

The LinkedIn platform has struggled in recent years with too many fake accounts and aggressive salespeople, but it is still an excellent platform to get the word out about your business. While some have grown sour at users trying to ‘win’ the algorithms, there is still a large audience for authentic, engaging storytelling in content. The algorithms also change continuously, and have recently started introducing more audiovisual elements to keep up with its competitors. 

TikTok has been controversial in recent months, with efforts from US lawmakers to ban it outright in that country. Still, the platform has over 1 billion users, and caters to those who enjoy quick bursts of video content that do not try to steal focus for more than a few seconds. That’s why TikTok famously became a hotbed of trending dance videos, and silly stunt challenges. 

No, you don’t need to be doing silly dances in your law firm office while wearing a suit and tie if that’s not your vibe. But don’t dismiss TikTok as only that, either. Many professionals have found their following using short videos for storytelling, or for educational content, to help capture that audience in short bursts.

This list is not exhaustive! X has also been controversial in recent years, and BlueSky may replace it in popularity, but it is still the place where many share articles, photos, or even thought leadership in just a few words. Other platforms are yet to come out that will take the internet by storm, and may be perfect for your business.

Final Thoughts

First, there’s no need to limit yourself to just one platform. You’ll often notice the same content across multiple platforms, and with good reason - it’s a great idea for one idea to reach many different audiences. This should be done carefully though, and everything from image size to video resolution to tone should be reviewed/adjusted to fit the respective platform.

Second, it’s not about being the next Kardashian. You don’t need to be a runway model or to have magazine-level photography or Hollywood cinematographers curating your every post. It’s not about going ‘viral’ either, or ‘breaking the internet.’ Social media offers the opportunity to be seen by more of the right audience for your business, and that includes which platforms you choose to use. 

Lastly, success does not happen overnight. One post may pick up tremendous traction, and a similar one the next day might land with a thud. That’s okay! A single post is unlikely to be the difference-maker in your business. Instead, showing up clearly, consistently, and with engaging and informative content will help you build the right audience on the platforms that matter for them.

Need a hand? We’re the experts, and we’re here to help. Contact us today to set up a consultation. 


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